Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Quick Post

Spent quite a while yesterday in Emerg with Lyla. Not quite sure what's wrong, but we're going to see a neurologist. Long story. But we're home and ok now :)

Until I have time to post for real, enjoy this video of my kid laughing at me because I kept looking at her!


Let the party begin... said...

Oh my goodness, I hope everything is okay...I'm sure you were glad to get back home from the hospital.

JO said...

oh no, I'm glad to here your doing good now. call me if I can do anything, even if you just need to talk!

The Bing's said...

This post has worried me, I hope that everything is okay and that you find out what is going on with your little cutie quickly!!! Keep us all posted and we are also around if you ever need anything. Glad your home!

Sharee said...

Oh my funny! Lyla is so cute! Isn't it funny that we get the biggest kick out of the littlest things? I love it!

Anyway, I hope everything is ok with the little bug. It's always scary when they are sick. :)

Beckey said...

I hope everything is okay with her...keep us updated! That video is so cute! Nothing like the sound of a baby laughing!

Keah and Michael O'Hearon said...

You've got me all scared, I hope everything is okay!

Anonymous said...

Like everyone else I hope that everything is okay with Lyla and that you're doing okay. Scary stuff!

Anonymous said...

I pray all is well!

Jessica Petersen said...

Please please update soon and hopefully everything turns out just fine!

mrs. farlanderz said...

Julia, I hope everything is ok. Please please let me know if you need anything - miss ya!

The Hill Family said...

Hey Julia,

Hope that everything is ok with little Lyla :). I love the video of her giggling! Looking forward to the day when our sweet little Ben will do the same!
