Monday, March 2, 2009

Picture #6

I got tagged from Jo to post my sixth picture in my picture file. I am at my parents place, so they aren't really my pictures, but it happened to be Lyla anyways (convenient!)

Here she is riding her pink pony. She loves it. I love that she loves it. Good buy from that second hand place in Tantallon. P.S Nancy W. I think I told Kaylee she could ride this anytime she wants. Come on over!


Anonymous said...

too cute!

Let the party begin... said...

She is so sweet and looks right at home on her pony!

JO said...

way to follow up on the tag. I think every girl needs a pink pony, I'll have to look into that myself :)

Just Rhonda said...

totally cute!

The Bing's said...

ohhh that is such a cute picture, I just love Lyla's hair!!! awesome pink pony too... lucky girl!