Monday, July 7, 2008

When is she coming?

Well, it's 11 days until Baby B is scheduled to make her appearance into the world. It's about 4 days past when we thought she'd be here. And I am about 7 seconds away from going crazy!

No, honestly, it's not that bad. It's just that our doctor told us to expect an early arrival based on signs and stuff, so Josh and I have been hanging out patiently for the past almost 2 weeks, holding our breath for this so-called "early arrival". So far, nothing! I know she's going to come out when she's good and ready, and I am ok with that, but the fact that I know my body is ready for her like annoying. Oh, and I don't care to hear about overdue babies at this point, why do people feel the need to share their stories about being 3 and 4 weeks late? I don't really want to think about that. Maybe selfish, but it intrudes on my finger crossing and positive thinking, so go away.

Aahhh, deep breath. Worst case, I'll be induced on the 25th. Even that's not too far away. Tragically, we're to move our stuff to the valley on the 26th, so that could be interesting. Maybe we could all cross our fingers for our "early arrival". Thanks.

(Yea, I am pretty sure this whole post is just rambling, and I think it's more for me than for you all to read and get bored. Haha. Sorry. Hopefully next post will be good news!)


Jaci said...

hang in there girl. I kind of know the feeling... I still have 2months, but I'm already hoping that he comes about a week early. :)
I am so excited to see her once she is born. You better send me photos of her in the Utah gear I sent. ;)

Anonymous said...

i hate when people tell you to expect an eary arrival..because really then you expect it! not a nice trick for a pregnant woman. I was born two weeks early so my mum kept saying i'd go early...but I didn't. not too bad though!! hang in there! I need your doctor if she induces, jeez sounds good!!

Channynba said...

before you know it she will be here...can´t wait to see pictures.

Jake and Melese Sorensen said...

Hopefully this week! We will be crossing our fingers with you. We are out of town this week so when we return we expect to see some good news posted on your blog. Good Luck!

Ashley said...

I am crossing my fingers for you! I cant wait to see her! It wont be long now! Hang in there!

Beckey said...

We'll cross our fingers that she comes a little early too! Good luck, can't wait to meet her!

Kristi Drennan said...

just think 10cm! bounce bounce bounce.

The Super Seven said...

It's all just a mean joke they play on you, telling you your body is ready blah, blah, blah.....if only I had a dollar for everytime I heard of luck on going early....hope it happens for you...never did for me....they come when they want to and sometimes in the end they need a little help. I hope you don't get stuck on an induction list for 6 days like I was with Miss much for delivering her by my due date. Doctors....ugh!!

Let the party begin... said...

At least your water didn't break the other night at the theater, lol. My doctor told me that I had another week to go with Tiffani even though I told him I fell coming in that day and the baby had dropped way down, anyway my water broke that night in bed and had her 6 hrs later. What do doctors know anyway?

Just Rhonda said...

hope she arrives soon!!!!!!!